Singing Guide: Stormzy feat. MNEK

Singing Guide: Stormzy feat. MNEK

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Stormzy is a British rapper, songwriter, and actor who was born in London. He started gaining attention in 2014, and since then, he released multiple hit songs and collaborated with many artists.

One of his most popular songs is "Blinded By Your Grace, Pt. 2," which features the vocals of MNEK. The song is known for its gospel-inspired sound and uplifting lyrics. If you want to learn how to sing like Stormzy and capture the spirit of "Blinded By Your Grace, Pt. 2," here are some tips to get you started:

Voice Type and Range

Stormzy is known for his deep, bass-heavy voice, which falls into the bass range. If you have a similar voice, you can experiment with singing in the lower register and working on your breath support to create a powerful, full-bodied sound. If you don't have a naturally deep voice, don't worry. You can still learn to sing in Stormzy's style by using the right vocal techniques and effects.

Articulation and Diction

One of the most distinctive things about Stormzy's voice is his clear, precise articulation. To replicate his sound, you'll need to pay close attention to your diction, making sure that every word is enunciated clearly and crisply. You can practice by reciting tongue twisters and working on your pronunciation.

Vocal Effects

Stormzy often uses various vocal effects to add texture and interest to his songs. For example, he uses vibrato in "Blinded By Your Grace, Pt. 2" to create an emotive, flowing sound. You can practice adding vibrato to your voice by starting with sustained notes and adding a gentle, fluttering effect at the end.

Breath Support

Stormzy's signature sound is all about power and intensity, and his breath support is a crucial part of achieving that effect. To sing in his style, you'll need to learn how to use your diaphragm effectively and take deep breaths to support your voice. You can try exercises like the Farinelli breathing technique to strengthen your breath control.

Song Recommendation

"Blinded By Your Grace, Pt. 2" is a great choice if you want to try singing in Stormzy's style. The song is relatively simple, with a repetitive chorus and easy-to-remember verses. Focus on capturing the energy and spirit of the song, and use the tips above to finesse your vocal technique.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers multiple resources that can help you develop your voice and learn to sing like your favorite artists. Try taking the Vocal Range Test to determine your voice type or use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to practice singing on pitch. The Pitch Training tool provides interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises, or you can search for songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences. Additionally, the educational Singing Course covers singing theory and practical tips.

Remember, learning to sing like Stormzy takes practice and patience. Use these tips to refine your technique and express yourself through music.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.